When you post a comment put the # number of the show and date with your post.
- Example: “Show #17 Bring on the Asteroid TV edition. Hi loved the show, but felt you were a bit harsh on that programme…“
- Example: “Age of Empires Vs Clash of Clans Review. I don’t agree I think Clash of Clans is a far better game…“
You can post up to 2 suggestions a day – they still need approval so don’t spam or advertise as they will just be deleted.
You have 225 characters (instead of twitter’s 150) so you can post a URL to a story you would like to alert us to. You can use if it is a particularly long URL, or post one comment above the other if you need more text.
Note when you post you will see your post go orange like this (right):
but no one else will be able to see it until it is approved.
* Email optional. Click the *white submit button below the text box.