Speed up your internet with a simple change to your DNS – Here is how.
Have you ever thought about using as public DNS?
First let’s look at what as DNS does. The net is filtered through s DNS server to make sense of the website addresses you visit. By default it tends to be provided by your ISP. However this is not always the fastest.
Load on your ISP DNS will slow you down. Now you can use as much better and faster DNS provided for free online, one off the best is surprisingly from Google. So how do you use it?
There are two ways.
1. You can set your browser to use it. This is the easiest way to test this out.
2. Point your router to it – more complicated for less technically minded.
For a list of instructions on how to do this click here.
To find out if you need to change it try GRC DNS Benchmarker and see if you have a good speed already.
Remember, if you live in a high s density area where your DNS speeds seem to be not what is promised try this.
More Information – https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using
Go on give it a try.